Hello Call Of Duty Hack lovers, today we present to you Call of Duty 5 – World at War Hack internal. this Cod Cheat is completely safe. Thanks to Lak3, who are constantly developing cheats for such games. You can continue to download daily updated secure hacks and Cheats from our CheaterMAD site. You will find the details about this post in the video below. Don’t forget to join our Discord server. JOIN DISCORD
Features Call of Duty 5 – World at War Hack internal:
- Aimbot (smooth, silent, simple prediction, fov, key)
- ESP (players, names, box & box outline)
- Misc (norecoil)
- Config (simple config system saves your settings when closing the menu, and loads them on next injection)
Information Call of Duty 5 – World at War Hack internal:
- aimbot_sort_by_distance: 0 selects closest target to crosshair if it’s under the selected FOV
- aimbot_sort_by_distance: 1 completely ignores FOV setting and picks the closest target
- INSERT to open menu, arrow keys to operate it
- Aimbot key is just the decimal value of a virtual key, 0 = always. Find virtual keys here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/win…tual-key-codes
- Works on Plutonium, but does NOT bypass their anti-cheat
New Updated:
- WAW ESP with snaplines for steam and plutonium
- can toggle normal ESP
- can toggle snap lines
- will auto find if you’re on steam or plutonium
- just run it and show the overlay then click ESP or snaplines or both
- just shows enemies no teammates, didn’t test in FFA
only esp and doesn’t work
Mega link error fix