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Free Battlefield 1 MultiHack | External Aimbot

UNDETECTED Free Battlefield1 MultiHack

 Last Version: 22/11/2024

 Developers: zethels

Free Battlefield 1 MultiHack  is an open-source cheat project written in Python that works externally by scanning your screen. With its aimbot feature, you can lock on to your enemies’ heads immediately simply by having them on your screen.

After a long day, you may want to chill in Battlefield 1, play a couple of matches, and win all of them so that you can feel good about yourself. Well, that may not always be possible if you are not such a good player. Thankfully, that does not have be one of your worries anymore because, thanks to this Battlefield 1 cheat called Free Battlefield 1 MultiHack, you can just look at your enemies, and the cheat will automatically aim on them for you.

Moreover, you can check the source code yourself and make sure it is safe, or even add features on your own, for that matter!

Free Battlefield1 MultiHack

How to Use the Free Battlefield 1 MultiHack?

  1. Dowload the .zip file, extract it anywhere on your PC
  2. Make sure you have Python installed on your PC as well
  3. Open Battlefield 1, set game to “Borderless /or/ Windowed”
  4. Make sure you install any module requirements that the Python script may require
  5. Then run the script with the command “python bf.py” while your Terminal is in the same directory as your cheat
  6. Have fun 🙂

Note: the developer recommends putting the “battlefieldud” folder on the the C:\ drive but that may not be necessary to get the cheat working

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Comments (4)

  1. 120716

    Pretty good multicheat thanks for sharing 🙂

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