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Minecraft UltraSpeed Macro for Razer Synapse 3

UNDETECTED Minecraft UltraSpeed Macro for Razer Synapse 3

 Last Version: 09/12/2023

 Developers: A WeirD KiD#0119

Minecraft UltraSpeed Macro for Razer Synapse 3:

Minecraft UltraSpeed Macro is an extremely simple UNDETECTED AutoClicker for Minecraft ranging anywhere from 11 – 12 CPS (Clicks per Second). This is not an external program or a .dll, it’s just a .xml file which needs to be imported to Razer Synapse to work. This can also work on any other game or application but I think Minecraft is the most demanded one.

minecraft ultraspeed macro for razer synapse 3

How to Use Minecraft Macro:

  1. Download Files from Cheatermad.com
  2. Launch Razer Synapse 3
  3. Go to the Macros section
  4. Click the import button and import the file
  5. Bind it to the button of your liking
  6. Enjoy 🙂

Add Changelog to description:
Added Rage Macro (30CPS) Still UNDETECTED (Macro can get users kicked from some servers because of CPS limit)


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Comments (5)

  1. 270128

    hey bro link is broked. can u shared me download new link or new macro

  2. 68189

    Hey everyone, my old Discord account got hacked. Do not click any links that you might receive from it and feel free to add me on my new one: A WeirD Alt#2737 for support or any questions. Thanks 🙂

  3. 68189

    For support leave a comment here or dm me on Discord: A WeirD KiD#0119

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