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Free Rust Macro – Z1MACRO


 Last Version: 09/12/2023

 Developers: x0#0101

The free Rust cheat is for you. This cheat is completely safe. You will never be banned with this cheat. You can kill your opponents very easily and press their base. Together with the development team, we have developed the best version of macros for rast. The percentage of hits within 100 meters from any weapon is 50%.



By downloading our macros, you get an .exe program where you run macros. Use the NUMPAD keys to set the macro mode. You can choose any weapon, any sight. I’m laying out a few macros for you that may be suitable for your gaming mouse. Using this hack you will have more opportunities in the game thanks to the features of this hack. Enjoy 🙂

If you want to support us as a development team, please visit our discord server where you will see more projects from our team

Stay tuned to our site to be aware of the most up-to-date versions of this and such cheats.


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  1. 99830

    don’t install u get insta gameban i lost my 1000h rust acount

  1. 99830

    don’t install u get insta gameban i lost my 1000h rust acount

  2. 96604

    lo ejecuto sale perfectamente selecciono el arma la mira todo pero cuando disparo nada de nada sigue el recoil del arma las balas van a todos lados

  3. 23828

    is this detected on most recent rust update?

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