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League of Legends Ban Cleaner

UNDETECTED League of Legends Ban Cleaner

 Last Version: 09/12/2023

 Developers: tezkidd

You can clear your bans with League of Legends Ban Cleaner tool, it’s not a ban removal tool, just use this tool to avoid hardware ban. If you are a Free League Cheats and Hacks user and your account has been banned after cheating, you will avoid the next quick ban by using this League of Legends Ban Cleaner.

You can drop this into dnSpy to inspect the code for yourself. This is a quick CMD console tool that will clean your logs and traces after you have been banned.

League of Legends Ban Cleaner Tool will delete these files and folders below exactly:

League of Legends Ban Cleaner;

  • C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\Riot Games [FOLDER & CONTENTS]
  • C:\ProgramData\Riot Games [FOLDER & CONTENTS]
  • Riot Games\League of Legends\Config [FOLDER & CONTENTS]
  • Riot Games\League of Legends\Logs [FOLDER & CONTENTS]
  • Riot Games\Riot Client\UX\natives_blob.bin [FILE]
  • Riot Games\Riot Client\UX\snapshot_blob.bin [FILE]
  • Riot Games\Riot Client\UX\v8_context_snapshot.bin [FILE]
  • Riot Games\League of Legends\debug.log [FILE]
  • Riot Games\Riot Client\UX\icudtl.dat [FILE]

League of Legends New Ban Methods

LoL: Riot Looking to Bring Back Banning System Similar to Tribunal

Riot intends, in the not-too-distant future, to make games tidier and of higher quality. Monitoring of the players is going to be one of their strategies. However, what exactly does this entail, and in which elos is such a method even remotely possible? Let’s get to the bottom of this new banning system in League of Legends and find out everything there is to know about it.

League of Legends Ban Cleaner

Riot is going to conduct a trial run of a new ban function on high MMR players in the North American region. Riot Auberaun sent out a few tweets in November outlining this new initiative to keep players in line and to stop them from disrupting high-elo plays in the region. The tweets were sent out with the intention of keeping players in line and preventing them from doing so.

If their tests are successful, then it’s possible that similar changes will be implemented in other regions, and maybe even in lower elos down the line as well. What exactly is Riot trying to accomplish, and how exactly does this new reporting system function?

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