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  3. Minecraft Enigma BETA Hacked Client (Cristalix) Free Download 2021

Minecraft Enigma BETA Hacked Client (Cristalix) Free Download 2021

UNDETECTED Minecraft Enigma BETA Hacked Client (Cristalix)

 Last Version: 09/12/2023

 Developers: TheSameGema

Minecraft Enigma BETA Hacked Client is a Free to Download Working Cheat for Minecraft with all the essential features like KillAura, Speed Hack and Glow Hack

Minecraft Enigma BETA Hacked Client covers all the essential features that you need to dominate your enemies while PvPing on Minecraft‘s multiplayer online servers.

Especially with the amazing KillAura feature, you cannot lose any fight against your enemy as KillAura does not even let the enemy hit you since it constantly hits the enemy for you and knocks him back.

Do note that you can find a list of features of the client down below included with couple of screenshots that show off the features with their keybinds. If you are looking for an overview of it in game, you can find a video down below that shows how Minecraft Enigma BETA Hacked Client performs on multiplayer servers.

How to Use Minecraft Enigma BETA Client

The installation process of Minecraft Enigma BETA Client is a bit different than you might have thought. And it’s pretty much impossible to know how to use it without a tutorial, so just follow these steps which are fairly simple and you will be able to play with the client in absolutely no time.

  1. Download the Hacked Client’s file which are packed and compressed in a rar archive
  2. Extract and copy paste the Enigma folder into your C:\ drive
  3. Copy paste core-mod.jar to the C:\Users\(user)\.Cristalix\updates\Minigames\libraries folder
  4. As the last step, you need to move EnigmaBeta_obf.jar to C:\Users\(user)\.Cristalix\updates\Minigames\mods
  5. Launch Cristalix exclusively through ripped.jar. If the cheat does not appear, then you need to move core-mod.jar again
  6. And enjoy :))

P.S.: Make sure you read the ‘Author Notes’ as well

Minecraft Enigma BETA Hacked Client – Features

  • Velocity [N]
  • Glow
  • AutoSprint
  • KillAura [R]
  • LongJumps [H]
  • KeyStrokes
  • Speed [T]
  • Panel
  • Flight [F]

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Author Notes

I found the cheat on a forum, but not in a separate topic.

(attention: I have nothing to do with this cheat, I’m just a user and decided to share with the others)

(Important!) There may be an error launching ripped.jar, if an error occurs, delete core-mod.jar from the (Enigma) folder!

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Comments (1)

  1. 89132

    what does As the last step, you need to move EnigmaBeta_obf.jar to C:\Users\(user)\.Cristalix\updates\Minigames\mods

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