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Free Hack for BF5 – Battlefield V Cheat and Source Code

SOURCE Overlay Hack for BF5

 Last Version: 09/12/2023

 Developers: cheatoriginal

New free Overlay Hack for BF5 – Internal overlay on Battlefield V. A great solution for players who want to dominate game servers. This Battlefield V Cheat is very simple and safe, the probability of getting banned for using this hack is very small, if only you will play aggressively and noticeably to others.

Here there are a couple of functions that you will need and like, for example, the main function of this hack is the ESP Lines function that will direct the lines at your opponents and thus you will know about their location, gray means you do not see the player, and if the color is orange, then the player is in the field of view. There is also a function that warns you if someone is watching you. And another feature is a secure screenshot, i.e. if you take a screenshot, it will not display the cheat for security reasons.


Features of Overlay Hack for BF5

  • ESP Lines
  • ESP Distance
  • FairFight screenshot safe (check the log) If ESP disappears FF has taken a screenshot (clean one of course)
  • Spectator warning

How to use Battlefield V Cheat:

Use at your own risk. If you abuse the hack. You will get banned. The ESP will disappear whenever FairFight does something and restores itself soon after. Check the log file for FF SS attempts. Start the game to the main screen and then use windowed or borderless mode and inject after that. And close the injector before going in MP. I’ve tested the hack on Windows 10 Pro 1909 and 21H1. I’ve no idea does it work on Windows 11.

NOTES: You need to install “DirectX 9.0c End-User Runtime” and vc_redist.x64.exe to use the hack.

I am averaging about 100FPS (maxed details DX11 1680×1050) and overlay FPS is usually all the time over 100. This is an overlay, so both DX11/DX12 should work.

Someone asked. What injector to use?
I use the HEX DEREF : injector Remember to close the injector after you’ve injected.

FPS issue? Add in User.cfg
Quote: RenderDevice.RenderAheadLimit 2

What about FF SS? I dumped their manually mapped SS module: BFV_FairFight_screenshot_module_0x1AD08A40.bin. Size: 108 784 bytes
And you’ve the log file available in v4 for SS attempts. And the reason why ESP disappears all of a sudden.
Quote: FairFight screenshot module.

Updated Note:

  • Radar and 3d spot hack
  • Norecoil (do not recommend using this, ban risk)
  • High firerate (also do not recommend, there is a risk of being banned)

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Comments (2)

  1. 187830

    someone know if this still working? i mean its from a year

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