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RDR2 Roleplay Lua Executor | + Free Chaos Mod Menu


 Last Version: 09/12/2023

 Developers: LolCheaters

RDR2 Roleplay Lua Executor is a simple free executable lets the user run .lua scripts so that they can load custom cheats, hacks, mod menus and much more.

If you are a fan of Red Dead Redemption 2, you might have heard of RedM, a modification that allows you to play multiplayer on customized dedicated servers. RedM is a great way to experience the immersive open-world of RDR2 with other players, especially if you enjo

y roleplaying as different characters and scenarios. However, if you want to spice up your gameplay and have more fun and freedom, you might be interested in using a RDR2 Roleplay Lua Executor.

What is the RDR2 Roleplay Lua Executor

A RDR2 Roleplay Lua Executor is a tool that lets you run Lua scripts on RedM servers. Lua is a scripting language that is widely used for game development and modding. With a Lua executor, you can inject your own code into the game and modify it according to your preferences. For example, you can create custom menus, spawn vehicles and weapons, teleport to different locations, change the weather and time, and much more.

One of the best RDR2 Roleplay Lua Executors available is Chaos Menu. Chaos Menu is a free cheat that comes with a powerful and easy-to-use Lua executor. It has a lot of features and options that you can customize and explore. You can access the menu by pressing delete, and then use the arrow keys and Enter to navigate. You can also use the mouse to click on the buttons and sliders.

Chaos Mod Menu Featuers | RDR2 Roleplay Lua Executor

  • Self
  • Nearby Players
  • ESP
  • Weapons
  • Server & Misc

  • Heal
  • TPM
  • Freecam
  • Aimbot
  • Weather Changer
  • Player Size Changer
  • Godmode
  • Invisibility
  • Noclip
  • Revenge Killing
  • Combat Log | Kills Game
  • Cross Hairs

  • Teleport to player
  • Explode
  • Set on fire
  • Send to the moon
  • Spawn Ai to Attack
  • Spawn Huge Ped
  • Apply Damage Multiplier
  • Silent Kill
  • Attach
  • Clone
  • Bear Attack
  • Nude woman attack
  • Bison Attack
  • Local Attack
  • Kick from horse

  • Box
  • 2D Box
  • Name
  • Health
  • Distance
  • Chams
  • Box Color Options

  • A loadout
  • Weapon Spawner
  • Clear Weapons
  • Reload Weapons
  • Infinite Ammo

  • Give $500 On Yellow Stone RP & others
  • Give $500 Dakota River Bend
  • Adds Random amount of money on Gilded Rp
  • Add 725 XP + $500 On Dakota River Bend
  • Horse Spawner
  • Changeable Ped Model to NPCs and Animals

RDR2 Roleplay Lua

RDR2 Roleplay Lua Executor Info & Instructions

This menu will be receiving updates. This mod menu and executor will not be compatible with Gold Rush RP, now or in the future.

Known to work on: Gilded RP, Dakota River Bend RP (DRB), YellowStone RP, Western Skies RP, Forgotten Trails, Bandera County.

DO NOT USE ON: SYN COUNTY, To make sure the menu is no longer working, reinstall RedM and test it on a different server before joining SYN.

Once you have injected the menu for the first time, you will not need to inject it again unless you completely uninstall RedM. To remove the menu, you will need to uninstall RedM by deleting its application data and .exe file from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\RedM.

WARNING: This script is undetectable unless you use it like a idiot. For example, if you blow up people or spawn weapons in a server that uses an inventory system, the admins can look in your inventory and see that you don’t have those items. They can also spectate you and see that you are teleporting around, which will be a clear sign that you are cheating. If you give yourself a large amount of money when you have only been playing on the server for a short time, people will also know that you are cheating and you will likely be banned. SO BE SMART IN HOW YOU USE IT!!! or don’t and get banned from every server


Most of them are self explanatory:
(Delete) to open the menu | (PageUP) to leave freecam |


  1. First of all, download the RDR2 Roleplay Lua Executor from the button below
  2. Extract the downloaded .zip file to a temporary location
  3. Run the DarkLuaExecutor application
  4. Locate the ChaosMenu_0.0.1.lua file in the temporary location
  5. Copy the code from the ChaosMenu_0.0.1.lua file to the C:\Dark\Menu.lua file
  6. Save the Menu.lua file
  7. Launch RedM
  8. Type inject in the lua Executor while still in the main menu of RedM
  9. Join a server and press Delete to open the menu
  10. And have fun!


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