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Red Dead Redemption 1 Free Trainer Cheat | Godmode, Infinite Stamina & More

UNDETECTED Red Dead Redemption 1 Free Trainer Cheat

 Last Version: 15/11/2024

 Developers: greensnake9109

Red Dead Redemption 1 Free Trainer Cheat is the perfect cheat table that will satisfy your needs in the recent PC port of the console-exclusive RDR1, the sequel to RDR2. With this Cheat Engine table, you can give yourself an infinite amount of health, ammo, deadeye, and much more that will leave you absolutely speechless and make every single mission in the game a breeze to complete.

If you have already given RDR1 a shot, you probably already know that it has some difficult missions that make progression not so easy for some players. But thanks to this free trainer cheat you can overcome all that thanks to this open-source cheat table for Red Dead Redemption 1 that will give you everything you want in-the game!

Red Dead Redemption 1 Free Trainer Cheat Features

  • Infinite Health (Numberpad 1)
  • Infinite Ammo (Numberpad 2)
  • Infinite Deadeye (Numberpad 3)
  • Infinite Horse Stamina (Numberpad 4)
  • Money hack

Red Dead Redemption 1 Free Trainer Cheat

How to Use the Red Dead Redemption 1 Free Trainer Cheat?

  1. Download the cheat from below
  2. Make sure you have Cheat Engine installed on your PC
  3. After extracting the cheat table, make sure that the game is running the version v40_PC-49078035
  4. While the game is running, open the cheat table using Cheat Engine
  5. Use the hotkeys above to enable or disable features
  6. And enjoy!

In order to use the money hack feature of the Red Dead Redemption 1 Free Trainer Cheat:

  1. On the code list there is the code that points to where the money is:
  2. Open Advanced options
  3. Right click the code
  4. Find out what addresses this code writes to
  5. Change value search to Float (on the bottom right of the panel)
  6. Spend some money
  7. Look for your money value in the list (compare to the in game money)
  8. Double click to add the value to the cheat table
  9. Change the value to whatever
  10. Open and close shop/do something with money
  11. Enjoy your money!

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