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STRAFTAT Free Cheat | Super Jump & Rapid Fire Hack


 Last Version: 21/01/2025

 Developers: qteeq

STRAFTAT Free Cheat is the perfect piece of software for those of you who need that little extra boost in the game with features such as super jump as well as rapid fire hack that will make the game extremely easy so that you can win every single 1v1 you play!

Yes, you heard it right. This STRAFTAT Free Cheat is the perfect hack script that will let you cheat safely in the game without putting your account in risk as it is undetected. Moreover, you can ensure the malware safety of the cheat table script, as this free cheat is completely open source and can be edited by you.

And for all that, the only thing you need to do is scroll below and follow the instructions to get started with the free STRAFTAT hack!


How to Use the STRAFTAT Free Cheat?

  1. First of all, look below this article to find the red download button which you can click on the get to the download page
  2. After the cheat has been downloaded, extract the files into anywhere you want
  3. While the game is running, run the .ct file using Cheat Engine
  4. If Cheat Engine is not attached to the game’s process, attach it by clicking on the monitor icon on the top left corner
  5. Tick the checkboxes in the Cheat Engine UI to enable any of the features
  6. Enjoy!

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