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Osu AutoBot


 Last Version: 09/12/2023

 Developers: unknown04

Osu AutoBot

What is Osu AutoBot?
– Bot that play whole level for you.

Does it have a virus?
– No.

Does it bannable?
– Only if you tell people that your hacking and if you play very hard levels and get S(ex: 8+star and you get SS)

How to setup:
– Step 1 : Turn off all anti viruses
– Step 2 : Unzip all files and place them in desktop in folder
– Step 3 : Find Songs folder and copy location if this folder [ex:D:Gamesosu!Songs]
– Step 4: run exe file
– Step 5: Paste the location of Folder Songs
– Step 6: Find your song you want to play and select correct difficult
– Step 7: Go to osu settings and find mouse settings from there turn off “Raw input”
– Step 8: Enjoy the autobot

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  1. 554534

    after legit 6 months of looking, ive found a working, safe auto bot, i also have a different program thats just a relax hack >:)

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